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P26TG-1209E2:1LF PEAK
PMD-SERIES 􏰀 6 Watt 􏰀 Regulated 􏰀 SINGLE and DUAL Output 􏰀 1.5 to 3.5 kV DC I/O Isolation 􏰀 DIP24 Case 􏰀 Continuous Short Circuit Prot. 􏰀 Full SMD Technology
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P26TG-1209E2:1H35LF PEAK
PMD-SERIES 􏰀 6 Watt 􏰀 Regulated 􏰀 SINGLE and DUAL Output 􏰀 1.5 to 3.5 kV DC I/O Isolation 􏰀 DIP24 Case 􏰀 Continuous Short Circuit Prot. 􏰀 Full SMD Technology
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P26TG-1209E2:1MLF PEAK
PMD-SERIES 􏰀 6 Watt 􏰀 Regulated 􏰀 SINGLE and DUAL Output 􏰀 1.5 to 3.5 kV DC I/O Isolation 􏰀 DIP24 Metal Case 􏰀 Continuous Short Circuit Prot. 􏰀 Full SMD Technology
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P26TG-1209E2:1H35MLF PEAK
PMD-SERIES 􏰀 6 Watt 􏰀 Regulated 􏰀 SINGLE and DUAL Output 􏰀 1.5 to 3.5 kV DC I/O Isolation 􏰀 DIP24 Metal Case 􏰀 Continuous Short Circuit Prot. 􏰀 Full SMD Technology
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P47WG-1209E2:1H35LF PEAK
􏰀 15 Watt 􏰀 2:1 Wide Input 􏰀2” x 1” Case 􏰀 1.5 - 3.5 kV DC I/O Isolation 􏰀 Regulated Output 􏰀 Single and Dual Output 􏰀 Continuous Short Circuit Prot.
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P44WG-1209E2:1H35LF PEAK
2:1 Wide Input
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P42WG-1209E2:1LF PEAK
2:1 Wide Input
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P42WG-1209E2:1H35LF PEAK
2:1 Wide Input
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P47WG-1209E2:1LF PEAK
􏰀 15 Watt 􏰀 2:1 Wide Input 􏰀2” x 1” Case 􏰀 1.5 - 3.5 kV DC I/O Isolation 􏰀 Regulated Output 􏰀 Single and Dual Output 􏰀 Continuous Short Circuit Prot.
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P6NG-1209E2:1H30LF PEAK
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PC6NG-1209E2:1H30LF PEAK
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P44WG-1209E2:1LF PEAK
2:1 Wide Input
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PUS-1209L-3K Danube
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PUS-1209L-2W Danube
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RU-120909 RECOM
1W Twin Output DC/DC Converters
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1 Watt 􏰀 Regulated 􏰀 Short Circuit Protection 􏰀 Single Output 􏰀 SIP7 Case 􏰀 3 kV DC I/O Isolation 􏰀 Low Ripple and Noise
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1 Watt 􏰀 Regulated 􏰀 Single Output 􏰀 DIP14 Case 􏰀 3 kV DC I/O Isolation 􏰀 Low Ripple and Noise
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2 Watt | DC-DC Converter
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